8 Types of SASSA Grants and The Process for South Africans

The South African Social Security Agency has introduced 8 different types of SASSA grants to support its vulnerable citizens, asylum seekers, and refugees.

According to the Bureau for Economic Research (BER), SASSA is doling out these grants to 19 million people, and R259.3 billion was allocated in the fiscal year 2024/25.

These grants are for all aging categories. For example, there are grants for children, persons with disabilities, older persons or couples, former army soldiers (veterans), and people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic nationwide.

So, the eligibility criteria and required documents for all these types of SASSA grants are different. South African government aims to facilitate the living of every individual or couple in a society under a cloud. Let’s take a look at a complete guide to the 8 types of SASSA grants and their related services on the SASSA official website.

8 Types of SASSA Grants for South & Services
Types of SASSA Grants

8 Types of SASSA Grants

Social Agency offers 8 types of SASSA grants to natives, asylum seekers, and refugees. As of 2019, approximately 18 million South Africans were living below the poverty line. All these people need state assistance. Hence, SASSA aimed to give social grants or social aid under the “South African Social Assistance Act, 2004”. South Africa is now facilitating 19 million people with social grants, costing a budget of more than R259 billion.

Older Person Grant

This grant is specifically meant only for an elderly individual or a couple who is financially unstable. SASSA is paying R2180 for those aged between 60 and 74 and R2200 for those over 75.

War Veterans Grant

It is for former soldiers who served in World War II and the Korean War, and they must be over 60 years of age. SASSA is currently paying R2200 each month for each beneficiary.

Disability Grant

Disability Grant is for persons with disabilities, be they physical or mental, and requires a certified medical report. This SASSA disability grant is R2180 per month.

Care Dependency Grant

Care Dependency Grant is for parents or foster parents who have a child with a disability and that child needs constant care. Currently, SASSA is paying R2180 to each recipient. 

Foster Child Grant

This grant is for people who are not the child’s biological parents. But they must have legal custody of the child with a court order. It is R1180 per month for each child.

Child Support Grant

It is for the applicant and spouse who can pass the SASSA means test. A child can only apply for up to six non-biological children. Recipients have an amount of R530 per child.

Grant in Aid

You are already a recipient of a SASSA grant, you are unable to care for yourself, and you need a caregiver. So, this is for those caregivers, and the amount is R530.

Social Relief of Distress R350/370

SRD R370 is an extended version of the SRD R350 grant. It was announced in May 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic when unemployment was high. So, 80% of the population applied; it is the biggest grant in terms of recipients.

Increase of Grants for Fiscal Year 2024/25

GrantsFrom April 24 to September 24From October 24 to March 25
Older P (60 years)R2180R2190
Older P (75 years)R2200R2210
War Veterans R2200R2210
Disability GrantR2180R2190
Care Dependency R2180R2190
Foster Child R1180R1180
Child SupportR530R530
Child S Top UpR790R800
SRD R350/R370R370R370
Increase of Grants for Fiscal Year 2024/25

SASSA Official Website (srd.sassa.gov.za) Services

You might encounter errors while applying for SASSA grants. Considering the situation of SASSA’s clients, we categorized some services that must help you quickly learn the process. Let’s take a look at these services. 

SASSA Apply Online

Suppose you meet all the eligibility criteria for any SASSA grant. You want to apply online, and you also have the required documents complete. Remember, you can only apply for one grant online at a time except for a grant in aid.

Update Existing Application

After a while, you may need to update your existing information, such as your mobile number, bank details, credentials, etc. Therefore, you can change or update your information by clicking here.

Re-Consideration Application

SASSA allocates a time frame for revision to its beneficiaries. If you have any queries about the application status, you can check the revision status within the stipulated time. So, click here to proceed.

SASSA Cancel Online

If your circumstances have changed, be it financial or physical. You think you no longer need a SASSA (South Africa Social Security Agency) grant. You can cancel it anytime; click the button below to cancel.

Re-instate Application

You cancelled your grant for whatever reason, and now you think I should reapply. So, SASSA has provided a reinstatement facility for applicants. Click on the button below to resume your application.

SASSA Appeal Online

SASSA has rejected your application, and you are unsatisfied with the outfit’s decision. SASSA will raise objections if they are different from accurate. Therefore, you have a right to appeal. Click here to file an appeal.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are SASSA grants?

SASSA grants provide cash assistance to indigent South Africans, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers across the country. 

What types of SASSA grants?

There are eight types of SASSA grants. 

  1. Older person
  2. Disability
  3. Care Dependency
  4. Child Support
  5. Foster Child
  6. War Veteran 
  7. Grant in Aid
  8. SRD R350/R370

What is the R700 SASSA grant?

There is only one grant from SASSA, R790, and it is a child support grant added to a child top-up. Hence, there is no grant like R700 from SASSA; it is fake news.  

What are the most common types of SASSA grants?

Social Relief of Distress is the most common type of SASSA grant. SASSA paid R350 for this grant until April 24, which is also known as SRD R350. Old age, Child Support, and Disability are also common grants of SASSA.  

What is SASSA in full name?

South African Social Security Agency is the full name of SASSA. It is a government organization that helps people through grants. 

Is SASSA a pension?

No, SASSA doesn’t offer pensions, only grants. There is only one grant that works like a pension: the Old Age Grant.

8 Types of SASSA Grants for South & Services
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