
Our team created the disclaimer for the website: https://sassagrant.com and they are only meant to be informative. All visitors to this website agree with the Terms of Service and the laws of the countries in which they live. If you disagree with our Terms of Service, do not use our services.

Using our external links to retailers and other parties mentioned on the website, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this notice even if these Terms of Services are not followed. We retain the right, in its sole discretion, to revoke your access to this website without prior notice.

To block your use of it, to look into any suspected or actual illegal activity involving it, to apply and work with law enforcement, to cooperate with them, and to pursue criminal or civil legal action. You are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license by SASSA Grants.

To access, use, and view this site and its contents for non-commercial purposes. This license is subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You swear not to interfere with the site’s functionality in any way or to try to do so.

Important Legal Information

Our Terms of Service section is for you; you cannot copy our content or any data related to Our Website. So, if any users violate our Terms of Services, we have the right to take legal action against him/her.